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Meet Dr. Paul Thomas

Dr. Paul Thomas is one of Asia's best trainer specialized in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Hypnotherapy, Gestalt therapy, Enneagram, TA (Transactional Analysis), Graphology and Corporate Training. Paul is a committed educationist who has done doctoral degree in Educational Psychology, and a Business Development Expert with international experience.


Paul is a Certified International Trainer and a Verified Trainer of NLP, he specializes in mind body connection. He is the head of accreditation for the Premier Organization of NLP, Professional Consultancy, Counseling, Education and Business Development. He turns personal development and professional achievement into a step-by-step process that will help you identify what you really want, what's preventing you from getting it, and how to break through any barriers to take action and transform your life forever. And he delivers it with a level of passion, power and playfulness that makes this personal development coaching process not only moving, but thoroughly enjoyable.

If you're serious about really making a change, and you want to enjoy the process, these programs are not a 'should,' they are a 'must.' It all starts here.

Choose any one of his wide range of training programs and give it an experience. In less time than you might expect you'll certainly discover yourself thinking, feeling, and performing differently. You'll produce results that you couldn't imagine yourself attaining, and you'll discover the power of momentum in your own life. Listening to Dr. Paul, "you feel as if you have a friend who knows you better than you know yourself, who sees more greatness and potential in you than you ever thought possible, and who inspires, leads, and pushes you to create the outstanding life you desire and so richly deserve."

Dr. Paul worked in different MNC companies across the continents like Microsoft, Oracle, Al Alamiah Electronics, etc. He is the Consultant and Trainer for different MNC Companies, Institutions and Organizations.

Give Dr. Paul a week... while you're running, on your way to work, or in your home... and let Dr. Paul Thomas coach you to engage the power of momentum to transform your life.

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